Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gummi Bear War

First of all THANK YOU! for all your get well wishes!!!
And all of your kind cold remedies as well.
I know I said I would spend the day sleeping and watching the mini battle between the birds and the gummi bears over the Pierre Herme dessert collection. Instead I found myself doing battle with the beastly bear and my paint brush.
Dare I say it...These dear little bears are a BITCH to paint!
A gummi bear's anatomy is elusive and slippery.
And luminous as if lite from within.
In addition, resisting their tempting call to be eaten immediately requires great resistance, something I'm not famous for.
Once a gummi bear enters your mouth, you hesitate only a moment..thinking perhaps you might make it last for a bit...
Involuntarily you chomp down instantly and dear gummi bear is gone gone gone.
The best place to find the greatest selection of gummis (and please correct me if I am wrong) is Dylan's Candy Bar in New York at 1011 3rd Avenue.
Talk about temptation beckoning... The lollipop tree!
Here! Caught red-handed with her hand in the candy jar...
Forgot to read the sign I bet.
Yes the prices are high...
OK ridiculous, but well made up for the ginormous selection.
Gummi everything from everywhere in every flavor and color and shape.
Plus a very festive environment!
Here is my tiny bag of gummis - why I must find a way to replenish them today!
Here is your brain on too many gummis...
I'll take another nap and head out briefly for a fresh supply to paint of course!
Research purposes don't ya know...


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