Saturday, October 31, 2009

I grew up watching the Coen’s films before they were Oscar winners, when the world at large didn’t know who they were and a bizarre comic slant affected everything they made. The Coen’s make movies that make me happy; they may not be normal, they may not be logical, but the films are always spectacular and memorable. The Hudsucker Proxy is one of the Coen’s earlier films that I just had the pleasure of watching for the first time.

Old Mr. Hudsucker, founder of Hudsucker Industries decides to take a swan dive out of the board room window when the company is at its most profitable; the problem for Sidney Mussburger and the remainder of the Hudsucker board is that Mr. Hudsucker didn’t have a will, so all of his shares will go up for public sale in the new year and the board will lose all control of the company and profits if they lose those shares. The board hatches a plan, they will chose the worst president they can, let the stocks take a dive as public confidence fails and then they will buy up Hudsucker’s shares themselves at insanely low prices. Luckily for Mussburger Norville Barnes has just arrived in the mail room and is eager to rise to high places. When Norville accidently causes an accident that almost causes Mussburger to plummet to his death as well Nussburger and the board decide he might just be the bumbling idiot to lead Hudsucker in the direction they wish to go.

I am going to be honest when I say that I am not sure I fully understood The Hudsucker Proxy, even for the Coen’s it’s pretty far out there, but I loved it just the same. It’s an insane romp of imagination, business ethics and the spirit of invention wrapped in a comedy by people that know how to entertain an audience – why wouldn’t that be enjoyable?

Watching this movie reminded me of how much I love Paul Newman. Newman played Sidney Mussburger, the most unscrupulous character in the film who would so anything he can to get ahead financially and he is the tormenting figure only Newman could play while still inserting class and style into the comedy.

The single best character in the film for me is Norville Barnes. Norville is an absolutely inexperienced character, fresh off the bus from middle America ready to make his mark in the bustling city of New York, New York, where dreams are made. His insistence from start to finish that his simple sketch that’s “you know, for kids” will revolutionize Hudsucker is both endearing and memorable. He’s the kind of character you get to root for and scorn through the process of the film as his ego gets too big and then is redeemed. Tim Robbins plays Barnes as a innocent, almost child-like character that is in the city without a protector and gets caught up in the ultimate game of “be careful what you wish for”.

However, what truly makes the Hudsucker Proxy a Coen film is the denouement. No one crafts an ending quite like Joel & Ethan. The ending to Burn After Reading may still be my favorite but The Hudsucker Proxy is classic Coen and should be seen. If you’ve never experienced the Coen’s movies before No Country for Old Men you need to correct that and correct it quickly. The Coen’s movies are too good to be missed.

Director: Joel Coen
Writers>: Joel & Ethan Coen
Norville Barnes: Tim Robbins
Amy Archer: Jennifer Jason Leigh
Sidney J. Mussburger: Paul Newman
Waring Hudsucker: Charles Durning
Moses: Bill Cobbs
Smitty: Bruce Campbell

Amy Archer: I used to think you were a swell guy. Well, to be honest, I thought you were an imbecile. But then I figured out you WERE a swell guy... A little slow, maybe, but a swell guy. Well, maybe you're not so slow, But you're not so swell either. And it looks like you're an imbecile after all!

Hi Everyone....

It doesn't really feel like Halloween today, but that's just fine by me! I'm up and having breakfast at our hotel... It's really nice here and MUCH more quiet than the youth hostel in Madrid! I am posting my pictures here so have a look.
It's a cool and sunny morning so far and not too many people are around for breakfast... which is fine, too. Yesterday, we met some nice families who are staying here- from Germany.... a Colombian woman, her German hubby and their son. We also met a couple from London- a British woman and her Brasilian boyfriend. Very nice people.

Great cafe.... only 1 euro 50 for a cafe con leche....

Tortilla espanola and a bagette ... Very Spano-French...

Tapas compliments from our waiter...
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Friday, October 30, 2009

We did the MASH .. the MONSTER MASH !!!

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I just came back from the New York Chocolate Show!!!
I think I may be all chocolated out. I lost all restraint.
They are imploring you at every table and booth to EAT CHOCOLATE!!!
You can not let these people down! It would not be fair to them after all.
At E.Guittard there are enough tastes to keep you extremely happy and at the same time learn about every source of chocolate's origin.
Le Chef Patissier pate de fruit and caramels au beurre de sel and truffes and, and, and...
At Cotton Tree Lodge you can go off to Belize for a Mayan chocolate week....
And learn how to make your very own chocolate bars from the bean...
Through roasting and grinding and sorting and finally conching for 2 days and then dip a pretzel into molten chocolate you made yourself. Does it get any better than this?
Ecuador was there too with their bars...
The same french spice company that shows up at the Paris Salon du Chocolat has a ton of chocolatey teas and ginger and cinnamon sticks and....
There are just as many books on chocolate as at the Paris show too...
Bacon is showing up everywhere it seems as the hot new flavor (not in Paris though)...
This was an absolute first - Camel's milk chocolate from Dubai by Al Nassma!!!
Wildly creative pastry chef Martin Howard always knocks your socks off as with this green witch number!
Hello Paris chocolate fashion designers? Fait attention!
Not scary at all gals serving Love Potion#9 dressed as Aunt Sam...
Designer Vedika Webb was creating her chocolate Marie-Antoinette gown on the spot...
Chefs are doing demos on the hour for all 3 days...
All kinds of chocolate spa stuff to put on your skin as well as in your tum..even Hershey is into the spa biz now...
It's hard work covering the Chocolate Show for you all ya know.. You better show up after all my efforts.
At least your trick or treat bag will be very full!


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