Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What a GLORIOUS day it is today... It's SOOO gorgeous and already aabout 75 F at 7:30 a.m. Yahooo!

amy taylor

amy taylor
amy taylor
amy taylor

Pierre Herme Cherry Strusel Tarte, watercolor, 9" x 11"
Normally I wouldn't have picked out the strusel-covered tarte at Pierre Herme, but Amy and I had discussed having a 'crumble' taste test at Les Deux Abeilles so the rest is history. Then yesterday I popped into Dorie Greenspan's delicious blog and what was she chatting about? Pierre Herme's strusel-covered tarte with a recipe to boot. Some times the stars are aligned and you just have to go with the flow. No use fighting it. So that's how the strusel tarte became the star of the today's show.. As it happens I took a shot of the tarte before gobbeling it down Sunday a week ago - I mostly forget to do this. I sent it over to Dorie and she said it made her day! M. says cherries/cerise = June/juin
This being the last day of June it seems appropriate to do an homage of sorts to cherries...

This is also an homage to M.'s glorious tea pot or rather the Japanese tetsubin that I love to paint. The French are crazy for these cast iron tea pots and they've been crazy for a while. When the French pick up on something they don't let go. Unlike us flighty americains I have to say. We get all passionate for a while and then we drop it and go onto the next big thing. Not the French!
I'm still crazy for Japanese woodblock prints and it's been going on for a while, so maybe I do have a soupcon of Frenchiness in moi? I hope so...
These elegant and rather delicate drawings are a great source of inspiration for me...
I never tire of looking at them...
I did buy a Tetsubin down on Grand Street in New York and not a very pretty one at that. I don't think I've ever painted it It's a bit clutsy isn't it :(
Why I didn't buy one just like M.s' I'll never know? This shop is near the Odeon Metro stop or it used to be...
There are slew of Japanese tetsubin and they do happen to have M.s' tea pot in TWO colors no less, at the Mariage Freres department in Printemps!
Why didn't I bring one home? Go figure...granted they weigh a ton.
They've got all of Mariage Freres teas too. You could happily spend days in just this department. Well I could, browsing to my hearts content...
If you've been lucky enough to take tea at Mariage Freres, you'll know they bring this giant book to the table for you to study up on which tea you'd like to taste, it's origins bla bla bla. Now you can find it on Amazon and have it at home as a doorstop or if you love tea, you'll want to read it bien sur.
Admittedly this has been rather a meandering post. From tarts to teas to Dorie and Amy and whatever... If you would like to taste the tarte I painted today, hop over to Dorie's for the recipe. It's a lot closer than going to Paris...
Me, I'm rushing out to get the last of the June cherries or maybe that's only in Paris. This is New York after all...
BONJOUR Tarte croustillante aux cerises et aux pistaches!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hi Everyone!

I have already written about this WONDERFUL organization, the "FRESH AIR FUND" and now I'm writing because they need our help....

Today is the last day for supporter's donations for the kids to "double!" If you can please go to their website HERE to find out more info about their program, giving inner city kids in NY a chance to live with host families in the suburbs over the summer, I'm sure you be amazed at what they do! It's a life changing experience for these kids and we can help by being a host family or by donated to their program to help make things happen!

If anyone is interested in become a host family, please contact Fresh Air Fund directly! Here's the link: Fresh Air Fund Host Families wanted.

Thanks so much for your support and have a GREAT summer!!!

More about the Fresh Air Fund (FAF):

THE FRESH AIR FUND, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Nearly 10,000 New York City children enjoy free Fresh Air Fund programs annually. In 2008, close to 5,000 children visited volunteer host families in suburbs and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada. 3,000 children also attended five Fresh Air camps on a 2,300-acre site in Fishkill, New York. The Fund’s year-round camping program serves an additional 2,000 young people each year.

**Pictures and some text taken from the FAF website.

This years TRON Banners going up around
San Diego this year for the Con.

Flip Flops & Coke Slurpee's !!!

- Live from New York ... it's from my iPhone !!!

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