On this website, The Real McCain, you can sign up to tell McCain to stop his dirty politics "smear campaign" which is not only racist but it's working to divide America... It thoroughly disgusts and angers me that nothing these two McCain and Palin have taken a racist standpoint in their attempt to smear Obama one of the worst ways possible... It makes me wonder how this is even "legal" and if Obama could 'porter plante' against them.. Who the HECK would want these two racists at the head of the U.S. Gov.t! If this was in France and the candidates campaigned against each other like that-- calling someone a "terrorist" or "nazi" or whatever.... It's SHAMEFUL what they are doing!! I wouldn't doubt this to cause riots or to start race wars if Obamais elected as president.
All I can really say is this makes meVERY, VERY ASHAMEDof the U.S. and NOT proud to be an American when I watch their racist responses in this video...