Thursday, October 9, 2008

I VOTED 2008!!

YAYYYYYY!!!  I VOTED!!!!  Not only DID I vote, but I mailed the ballot in yesterday at the poste! I have to honestly say to all of you... that this election has been and still is a very stressful one for me.. as I am sure it has been for many of you out there.  Not only are we facing such a huge economic/world crisis right now.. but the country (USA) has really gone to pot over the past 8 years (esp).  

I am liberal, but NOT too liberal- like I believe in pro-choice, gay rights/marriage, social programs/universal health care, affordable housing prices/rent... and esp. ANTI-WAR, etc. You get the point.  I have always been a Dem. and a proud one at that.  

So, with all that being said, and having followed a lot (but not as much as if I were living in the U.S.) on the news online and here in France, I am really scared at the idea of having another 4 years of a Repub. president!  We need someone who is going to really solve a lot of the major issures.  The U.S. used to be such a great world power/influence but it has tumbled downward and keeps going down and down and down... 

I believe that when Clinton was Prez., we (Americans) were better liked around the world by different countries and we didn't have the HORRIBLE reputation around the world as we do now!! It's NOT ONLY embarrassing --- it's DISGRACEFUL!!!  
I know this is all very negative, but to me, it's all very true!  I have traveled extensively in my lifetime and the basic stereotypes back when I traveled were ones that people concocted from American tv series - now people are more Anti-American because of what the US govt. has done internationally.  YIKKEES!!!

So, back to my original thought- I went to the poste to mail off my absentee ballot yesterday.  While waiting in line (forever), I got all teary-eyed... I started thinking about everything and wishing that we could already have our new President (Obama) and have things be on the road to recovery/healing... 

I hurt inside, it pains me greatly to still worry about WHO is going to win the Election because I know that if McCain wills, it will mean despair... I am keeping all of my toes/fingers crossed, saying prayers, and sending out good energy to the universe that we will have a change that will produce CHANGE in a positive direction....


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