Jeanette asked to see more Parisien architecture - et Voila! The crowds at Versailles have moved on and showed up at the Salon du Chocolat! A real chocolate map to help orient you at the fair... We begin our tour with Beautiful cacao beansbien sur.
Oui, this is where your chocolate comes from!
At the Brazil stand they let you taste the raw bean right out of the pod.
Mexico demonstrates using the mole to make their version of hot chocolate (no milk included).
The Switzerland stand brought a cow to aid their plea for milk chocolate. The cow does not look thrilled...
Multi-demos of the dipping of chocolate are everywhere...
May I try this please?
The French child is not only introduced to the fine quality of wine at an early age...
But the fine tuning of chocolate tastebuds is cultivated as well... No M&Ms for these kids! I had a deprived childhood bien sur :(
Not ice cream! But a variety of Chocolate mousse flavors from Chapon!
And look at these divine chocolate tablets from Jean-Charles Rochoux!Exactly 30 squares per bar - one square of perfection for each day of the month. That is if you have great restraint...
Many, many bouche at the Salon - those big mouthfuls of chocolateness = lunch.
And talk about hunks of chocolate, as big as your head!