Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Paris Maps!

I ask you! Is there anything more fun, more enticing, more seductive than pouring over the map of your destination while sitting in your comfy armchair at home? Here is my favorite and much repaired old Paris Metro map - I keep adding scotch tape over the tears and wounds. We're attached at the hip. That's just the way it is. I will NOT leave home without this dear friend of a map. Ooops must at this essential Paris bus map!I'm exceedingly fond of Paris plan par arrondissements. I love the spiral binding and I can actually SEE the streets without a microscope...Chuck told me to buy these City Walks:Paris flash cards and I promise to take a few with me this trip.I do love the EyeWitness Paris books. I just wish they were lighter weight. I especially love their floor plans and overhead views of museums - most helpful. I wish more Paris shops put maps on their business cards don't you?
BIG MERCI Comptoire de Famille!
Here's another cutie, Il Etait une Fois, and I'm posting it here as a reminder not to miss this darling toy shop this trip... Do you ever get desperate for a computer? Cyber Cube is conveniently spread around Paris just in case... Cher patisseries de Paris! S.V.P. put maps on your biz cards like Sadaharuaoki!And cafe Le Select! You are soooo smart to help us find you. Here's a dreamy map, if not very attractive...the SNCF train map of France - YUM!

The birds are intently dreaming about this croissant in the 6th arrondissement...This is Cavallini's wonderful Paris wrapping paper in delicious pastel colors - I framed one and would love a shower curtain of the same. I hope you're listening Cavallini? Do you have a favorite map? Tell me about it S.V.P.


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