Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pierre Herme's Saint-Honore OK PB's been a while since we immersed ourselves in a Paris patisserie. And Pierre Herme has a new collection out.
It's a small new collection of Saint-Honore gateaux...

A little history group. I hope you have your pencils poised.

You will be tested end of term!

The St. Honoré Cake, is a richly decorated cake named after Saint Honore, the seventh-century Bishop of Amiens, and the French patron saint of pastry chefs and bakers. (WOW!) Pastry chef Chiboust is rumoured to have created it in his Paris shop in 1846. It consists of a pâte brisée base with a pâte a choux ring around the outside. Individual pâte a choux puffs are filled with pastry cream and dipped in caramel. They are then attached on top of the outside ring of the cake with more caramel to hold them in place. The Gateau St. Honore is also known as the "Ball Cake" because of the little caramel-covered pastry balls surrounding the top of the cake.

Shall we head over to Pierre Herme's at 72, rue Bonaparte in St Germain des Prés 75006? You can take the line #4 to station Saint-Sulpice...
Or the #87 bus stops nearby...
We're back on rue Bonaparte group.
Look the windows have changed!
Last week for Jour du Macarons day, there were schools of hungry fish hunting for FREE macarons!
This week a lovely babe is transfixed in wonderment at Herme's new Saint-Honore petit fours...
A closeup - but I'll bet you this is a fausse petit four...
Let's go in for the REAL thing! Vite!

*Please note that it's caramel that is the glue that holds these creme puffs together. Pierre Herme's description of these delights-

Saint Honoré Satine
Très frais,

très parfumé,

entre acidulé et sucré

(a rough translation=very fresh, very perfumed, between acidic and sweet. French sounds so much better doesn't it?)


Just in case you're not up for whipped creme there are other delectables to choose from...YUM!

Afterwards, take your goodies to a park bench in the nearby Place Saint-Sulpice...

The pigeons are waiting...

Or go for a coffee at nearby Cafe de la Mairie, just around the corner from rue Bonaparte. Word has it you can bring PH goodies here to eat in proper fashion as they well deserve.

Then I suggest you rent-a-froufy-dog from Etienne Marcel to work off all that cream...

Or come on a my place and climb the 132 stairs (7 flights) any number of times...ahem


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