Eiffel Tower Homage, original art, 5" x 7" With just 12 days to go before I will be in Paris... Place de la Concord,original art, 5" x 7" I'm deep into anti-phobia training...
The Eiffel Tower will be right out my window, not to mention just a stones throw away once I make it down the 6-7 flights of stairs to the outside...
To help break my Eiffel Tower aversion I found this adorable paper tower on Etsy at Blissfull Elements. It's helping I think....
Should I be drinking my morning hot chocolate out of an Eiffel Tower cup?
Maybe an origami-esque red paper version on my desk would do the trick?
Surely a solid chocolate tower would help.
Like these from Deskaledes at the Paris chocolate show.
Here the tower is combined with a macaron! Perfection.
If I come home wearing these tower socks you'll know I not only survived but have become a passionate advocate! ~ BONJOUR TOUR EIFFEL!