Friday, February 15, 2008


I went out to get a haircut yesterday and thought I'd give you
The New York Valentine's Day report...
I kept getting smacked with bouquets of roses everywhere I walked...
Here the classic New York guy with red roses trying to track down his honey...
Since I was in the neighborhood I stopped in F.A.O. Schwartz to return those two horridly expensive doll's house floral bouquets...
While waiting on line at the cashier, I noticed the guy behind me clutching an "Ugly Doll" I asked him if it was for his "Valentine"?
He sheepishly said, "No".
Then the cashier pipes in, "I wish I had a Valentine...sigh".
The other cashier said, "OK, I'll be your valentine, Robert!"
"Then buy me an $80 box of Godiva Chocolates puleeze?"
Godiva on Lexington Avenue was jam-packed as always with last minute valentine-givers...
Leonidas on Madison Avenue was chocolate-a-block with buyers...
Piles of pretty red Leonidas boxes everywhere!
And on Park Avenue, the most pricy chocolatier of all New York - Pierre Marcolini
Was hand-selecting each precious gem of a chocolate for their line of buyers...
I have to admit their jewels are pretty damn yummy...
But yours truly, really HEARTS those red jelly hearts...
In this kind of candy store...
Little Bear and I are on the same wave length at heart, when it comes to Valentine's candies...
Swedish Raspberries!
Is there anything better?
What's your favorite Valentine candy?


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