Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fetish Ispahan

Fetish Ispahan, original watercolor, 10" x 12"
You might be thinking it's that time of year again. That Spring is on it's way...
It's the very short season when
Pierre Herme let's you partake of his glorious FETISH ISPAHAN Collection! Pendant 4 semaines, le répertoire de la Maison est placé sous le signe de la rose. (During 4 weeks, the house collection will be available of the sign of the ROSE).
In fact as of yesterday - 02/26/2008 to 03/23/2008

Fetish Ispahan Macarons, original watercolor,
10" x 12"
I arrive in Paris on March 17th and had planned to spend every waking moment sitting in Angelinas sipping hot chocolate. Change of plans! I will have 6 days to immerse myself in all kinds of Ispahanian Fetisherie. These include the Surprise Ispahan wrapped up like a taffy candy, the Emotion Ispahan which comes in a little glass, the Sensation Ispahan, the Tarte Ispahan, the Cheese-Cake Ispahan (!?) and of course the macaron Ispahan.
You can take a look by visiting the site..
Let the drooling begin!
These rose petals already have a drop of glycerine on them, so don't drool on them.
This real rose petal looks like it's about to take off!
I don't recall seeing the St. Honore Ispahan before. Did I mention Pierre Herme's Ispahans are a subtle alliance of la crème à la rose, la framboise (raspberry) and a hint of litchi, though I've never actually detected the litchi...
Safely in the box!
The St. Germain pool I like is just a stone's throw from the rue Bonaparte shop, so I figure I can workout first before I descend upon the Temple of The Ispahanian Rose.
The best laid plans :)
Again Herme is offering a contest to win his mini collection of desserts on his site.
Do not despair if you are in the US!
Dear Priscilla of NRFBQueen is happy to send you the same set and you don't have to win a contest or duke it out with thousands, even millions of fierce French women.
Meanwhile I'll be dreaming Amelie-like of days of macarons and roses... Ispahan Roses!


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