Monday, February 4, 2008

Accidents Happen

#153 Laduree boxes on boxes With so much...
Mini stuff all over the place...
I mean it's BOX CITY here!
And chachkas everywhere.
Well they do say that 90% of accidents happen in the home...
So is it really a big surprise that I sat on my brand new handmade Laduree boxes?

This accident was intentional.
*note the hammer head in the upper right corner.
After I robbed the bank, I went browsing at F.A.O. Schwarz for miniature flower arrangements for my still lifes. Naturally I brought along my own tray and cups to make sure they would all co-ordinate nicely...
I took a liking to this tulip arrangement ($16.00!), but the damn vase wouldn't stand up straight and kept tipping over. When the sales woman turned to assist another customer looking at $600.00 dollhouses, I tried madly to twist out the bouquet and place it in the vase that did stand up. But she spotted me out of the corner of her eye and asked me to stop messing with the flowers :(
Caught in the act!
I coulda been arrested!
I ended up buying the Gawd damn vase, brought it home and took a hammer to it. Believe me it wasn't easy!? And it took all day to dissolve the probably toxic glue holding the floral arrangement together.
Now I've got the loose flowers I wanted and they look like HELL!
Sometimes you should leave things well enough alone...
Here's an accident waiting to happen...
My room mate's new Turkish teapot is fine.
It's the little mini teapot that could easily fall into the fire...ahem
WATCH OUT little teapot! :O


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