Monday, June 4, 2007

Something Sweet...

Someone on Flickr asked, "What are those little white boxes?"
referring to the square cafe sugar cubes.
Their days may be numbered at the cafe, so collect them while you can.
The long sugar tube called a sucrette is taking over, easier for dieters.
The sugar swizzle stick here is called a "battonete sucres candi"
But here's what you can buy for home usage!
A vast variety of shapes and colors seen at Bon Marche.
Don't these look just like boxes of buttons?
Pretty pastel, sucres morceaux...
For the puzzle obsessed out there in 3 different flavors...
Most of these fancy sugar cubes are made by CAN A SUC.
Coffee bean shaped cubes - sucres grain de cafe
More coffee bean decorated cubes - sucres decores...
Perfect for a tea party - "cubes fruits d'ete"/ summer fruit decorated sugar cubes!
You can still buy the old-fashioned kind of cafe sugar cubes at
the Cafe de Flore boutique 26, rue Benoit ...
If you're sick of sugar cubes,
here's something to vicariously munch on -
Big sugar cube shaped chocolate gateaux called Torta, also found at Bon Marche...


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