Thursday, June 7, 2007


JPH Berry Tart with spoon, watercolor, 9" x 11"
JPH is what I call chocolatier, Jean-Paul Hevin.
Here's the same JPH
Tartelette aux 4 fruits rouges watercolor without a horizon or table top..
I wish I had one of those voting gizmos...
but tell me anyway which one you prefer.
As part of my hot chocolate research I had to visit JPH's salon de the on 231, rue Honore, right?
Here's "the works" - what I ordered.
There is no good reason to put more sugar in your chocolat chaud
or hot chocolate that I can think of,
But it does look attractive on the tabletop...
Water, on the other hand, is an ESSENTIAL as a chaser and for reflexions.
Preferably Paris Tap natch :)
Un verre d'eau S.V.P...
Here's a ParisBreakfasts secret-
If you go to ANY high-end salon or cafe (Angelina's, Deux Magots, blablabla) you will not be disappointed in the hot chocolate. That's a fact.
But if you go to your corner caf, you will most certainly get hot chocolate made from a packet of something tres ordinaire, like Nesquik or Poulaine + water.
You have been warned.
JPH's tea salon is upstairs from the chocolate shop.
The walls are lined with blowup photos from his new book, Delices de Chocolat.
Some of them, semi-nudes embracing chocolate cakes...ahem
You have been warned.
On your way out there's a display inviting you to treat yourself to a JPH gift box for 147 euros...
You have been warned.

The number #1 reason for my visit was to get a shot of JPH's CHOCOLATE CHANDELIER!!!

Don't think you can just waltz in, take a shot and waltz out!

And don't say I didn't warn you...

The best way to sneak that shot is to descend from the tea salon upstairs...
Pretty spectacular you have to admit non?


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