Wednesday, June 6, 2007

GROM and Robyn

While New Yorkers may not be sure whether to serve their tap water in a carafe or not,
we are VERY happy to have a new real Italian gelato shop from Turin.
No question about it!
GROM is a wonderful addition to a town lacking good ice cream.
Yesterday I met up with food blogger, Robyn Lee, The Girl Who ate Everything at the 2165 Broadway Upper West Side shop.
The flavor chart is thoughtfully placed outside to aid your decision making process.
They even have monthly flavors!
You can taste as many flavors as you like at Grom,
but anticipation, stress and angst will make you choose quickly.
The torture of watching the dipping....
Wondering if you got the right flavor...
This is very Italian to stick the cone on top, so you can eat it either way..
And the cone was definitely from Italy - crispy and light.
What is it about gelato spoons?
I save every single gelato spoon I come across.
There's always a few lurking in the bottom of my purse just in case...
Don't ask me why?...just in case.
WARNING! Very large picture of rich creamy gelato.
Robyn got Cinnamon and Pistachio.
Mine was Cinnamon and Hazelnut.
Real Italian Pistachio is NEVER green, but rather the color of dirty old duffle coats.
Notice Robyn has drapped a bib around her gelato to catch the drips.
Mine never had much chance to drip...
You can tell Robyn is a serious eater.
She's actually tasting the gelato...
Mine disappeared mysteriously almost instantly.
Chocolate...YUMIs this little girl thinking, Why didn't I get chocolate..?
Is this dog asking, Where's mine..?
Did I say this was my 4th visit and the 1st time I did not get Pistachio...


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