Friday, April 2, 2010

J'Adore Angelina

Sunday Brunch at Angelinas!
Does it get any better?
The dining room is quite oldie-worldie and very grand...
A few helpful dos and don'ts are in order.
Angelina kindly provides you with a special chair for your gorgeous big FAB bag, so don't just stick it on the floor in the way of guests and waiters.
There is usually reading material on offer in the front.
Evidently reading a table is OK!
Who knew?
Did you know Ralph Lauren is opening a big new boutique on boulevard St. Germain? The French adore Ralph Lauren!
Who knew?
Please do not eat brunch with your coat on your lap and your bags on the floor. Pas bien élevé.
Bear inspects the bread and buerre (Renee Richard) and is best pleased.
I have the saumon fume and blinis...
And French Girl has eggs benedict.
The verdict?

Another "do"- get to Angelina around 10ish and you won't have to wait on line.
Have you noticed Paris is constantly doing reparations/restoration and repairs where ever you look? Here building bricks of mille feuille!
They do it so often, they've become masters at artful cover-ups with lovely signs and imaginative walls, sometimes more interesting than the final redo. J'adore this giant cream puff thing at Angelina. I would love this on my kitchen wall.
There are other options if the line is prohibitively long, like the temporary pastry counter offering loads of goodies for emporter/take-away.
Try their famous chocolat chaud in a paper cup...
Or newly bottled for drinking later...
A mini macaron in Mont Blanc flavor to go with your hot chocolate?
Or the real thing.
French Girl says, "Le Mont Blanc, j'adore!!!!
To quote, Paris Patisseries:History Shops Recipes, "the Mont Blanc was invented by owner Austrian confectioner, Antoine Rumplemeyer. He founded Angelina in 1903 and the recipe has not changed to this day." Don't climb Mont Blanc hoping to find this treat at the peak.
FVI: a Mont Blanc consists of a merinque base, a chantilly filling and a topping of vanilla-flavored piped chestnut cream.
FVI: a Mont Blanc consists of a merinque base, a chantilly filling and a topping of vanilla-flavored piped chestnut cream.
Enjoy your holiday week-end at Angelinas or where ever.


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