Monday, September 29, 2008

Paris CARNIES!!!

For Ron..... This post made me think of something you would write about...

For all of you who LOVE a good fair... Have you ever stopped to look and stare at the CARNIES? They're the ones who travel with the fair, put up the rides and do all those fair games.. You know.. the Carnival Booths.. where they call you over and try to get you to toss a dime into an ashtray or a glass? How about the water pistol where you have to blow up/pop a balloon to win a prize? How about those HUGE life size stuffed animals? Why are Carnies soooo scary looking and missing lots of teeth? Good questions, eh? Anyhow.. they always scared me!!! And today, while I was daydreaming on the metro... I made a comparison in my brain... Carnie-Paris Street Vender!!! WOW... there's a fine line between the two... Anyhow, I found some pics of carnies but none of Paris street venders so use your imagination for the latter...
I pulled the pics of the web, they aren't mine... Enjoy!!!


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