For those of you who like to cook/bake... and for those who like to EAT!!!! The quiche turned out really YUMMY (of course) and we ate it with a wonderful salad- just plain lettuce and Alex's prize vigarette... The only thing... if you use this recipe... add salt... There's really no way for me to judge how seasoned a quiche is before I take my first bite- No, I'm not a fan of tasting soup egg batter... So, even though I added what I though was "enough" salt and pepper, it didn't turn out being esp. seasoned.. So, if you like things a little on the seasoned side, add maybe a tsp. of salt.. You can also always put it ON the quiche when it's done, that's what I ended up doing... I'm not a salty person, but a sweet one... So, the lack of salt in a recipe doesn't really bother me at all... Just letting you all know for your own reference... I also added onions- I browned them in olive oil WITH the mushrooms, and then I added the brocolli to the mixture (I steamed the brocolli first). Then... I placed the uncooked tomatoes onto the quiche batter when everything else was complete... and baked it all up!! YUMMMM... I bought the cheddar at our local Monoprix! They have been carrying it lately... Which means I don't have to take a trip up to Paris to buy cheese....
Here's the recipe but the way if anyone would like to have quiche for lunch or dinner sometime... I highly recommend this recipe... click here for the recipe!