Monday, September 15, 2008

Macaron News...

La Vie en Rose, original watercolor, sold, 5.5" x 7.5"
With all the gloomy news out there...I thought I'd perk you up with a bit of happy, if highly trivial news today. Don't we all need some trivia now?

I got an email invitation this morning from Pierre Herme. You can get one too by the way. You only have to subscribe.
Le 20 septembre, Pierre Hermé vous invite à un week-end d’exception
Pierre Herme is OPENING A NEW SHOP!!!
Course, it is not in New York nor in your home town either (gloomy news). But still this is something to jump about. And there is a grand opening day - the 20th of September, if you just happen to be in Paris this Saturday...
Did I say the new boutique is on 4, rue Cambon 75001 and you must RSVP if you would like to attend the opening day here.

And Herme has a new cookbook on MACARONS out!!!! YAY! Ok, it is in French, so far...but that should not be any deterrent to the throngs of mad macaron lovers. *You can even order the book online at AMAZON.FR!

And now some thrilling news for mini collectors. We are loved by Pierre Herme! Really we are. There is a NEW collection of his FAB desserts coming out in October! YUP it's true. I have not slept a wink since I heard this. The gloomy news is it isn't coming out until October :( Dear Priscilla of Rement Queen in LA will be carrying it, so you might want to let her know to put one aside for you.

Some other rather old gloomy news. We New Yorkers were promised that Laduree would open in the so-called restored Plaza Hotel last Fall! = Zero, nada, niente, NUTTIN'

But looking at the macaron box half filled, rather than half empty...doesn't it make it all the more exciting when you get to Paris to make a B-line to Laduree? I heard they were offered the chance to open 200 boutiques in the US. Thanks Gawd they turned that down. Laduree-mart?
No thank you!


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