Bird cup at Bernardaud,watercolor on Etsy,sold, 5.5" x 7.5"
Plus the big posters all over Paris drove me to the not-to-be missed exhibit...
And then back again to Bernardaud to look again at this Limoges china...
This milky breast-shaped piece was designed especially for La Laiterie de Rambouillet - Marie-Antoinette's dairy, Le hameau at Versailles.
An exquisite goblet in the same collection...
A 16th c Supernanny giving a good wacking with a bouquet of roses - these lush silk roses drove me to seek out SIA as well...
*Note all the decorative macarons from Laduree...
The shelf life of these cookies is not too long...
I wonder who's job it is to eat and then replenish these window macarons..?
Laduree's divine piece montee des macarons. I spent last week painting this for Brazil. I have vowed that I will get one of these next trip and study it in person for future research etc...