#181B Cache pot at Vaux, original watercolor, sold, 5.5" x 7.5"Brought back by popular response and because I have lots of pictures...
This is the rear view but there are so many views to enjoy at
Chateau Vaux le Vicomte
Inside is divine too...
I love this game room....
Chairs to die for...
And tables and cache pots...
The dinner table...
Macarons are here too!
A window view...luscious is it not?
Chateau Vaux le Vicomte is a short 25 minute train ride from Gare de Lyon and then a shuttle bus trip. I've yet to visit when they are having one of their candle light evenings of music and dinner. They will be open until November 8th this year, but if you can't make it, you could watch one of the many films made onsight at Vaux, like Marie-Antoinette, Ridicule, Moliere and a favorite of mine, Vatel.BONNE WEEK-END!