Tuesday, November 6, 2007

'Photo Shoot in Paris'

Paris Breakfasts I mentioned I got an invitation to a "private" visit at Pierre Herme's 185, rue de Vaugirard boutique...
Pierre Herme J. who works for Pierre Herme, bought a half dozen watercolors - all Pierre Herme-related. We were going to meet, but with the Paris transportation strike and school holidays we didn't make it. As a sort of consulation prize I got to "tour" the shop and take pictures during pre-opening hours last Tuesday morning...
Pierre Herme Petal Macaron BoxA macaron-lover's dream non?
Pierre Herme The front door says, emotions to share. I wanted to share my visit with you.
Pierre HermeInside the rue de Vaugirard boutique is spacious.
The decor shows the hand of an architect at play - bright colors, airy, well-lite with big sunny windows. In every way different from the boutique on rue Bonaparte, which is a bit like entering a secret cave...
And there is no line out the door!
Pierre Herme The ceiling is a playful use of the Pierre Herme logo...
Pierre HermeThe boxes match the color of the counters. The long rectangular box holds a set of 6 macarons perfectly. I call it the "petal" box, because the leaves open up like a flower...
Pierre Herme Here pastries wait their turn in the wings to go onstage...
Pierre Herme Staff checks that all are perfect and identical...
Pierre Herme Like carefully choreographed dancers, the staff moves silently...
Pierre Hermedelicately placing each pastry..
Pierre Herme like a jewel in it's setting.
Pierre Herme The Pierre Herme logo awaits...
Pierre Hermeto go on these Millefeuille Plenitudes lined up like soldiers. Whole trays are tossed if they don't come up to Herme's standards.
Pierre Herme The last touch of perfection...
Pierre Herme macarons And not to forget the best macarons in the world!
Pierre Herme macarons Beautiful row after row of macarons await you. This one is the "marron et thé vert Matcha" and the green thing inside is the "crème onctueuse au thé vert matcha" (green matcha tea cream). Merci Florence.
Pierre Herme macarons Macarons are like balloons -
(macaron almost rimes with balloon..)
Like puffs of pure joy
They take off and disappear.
But the memory lingers...
The colors..the flavors..the textures...the joy
Click on the pictureDo you remember those wonderful lines from Funny Face?
Fred Astair:
You're in Paris..
You're at the Tuilleries...
You've got balloons...
There's a sudden shower
And you're very, very happy
Audrey Hepburn: Why am I so happy?
Fred Astair: Because I say you are!
That's all you have to know.
You're happy!
Now run!

And I did.
I ran around that shop for 60 minutes taking as many pictures as I could.
And I was
very, very happy! :)
Thank you J.


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