Thursday, November 8, 2007

Laduree Macaron Boxes

Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris Breakfasts Laduree macaron boxes...what IS it about them..?
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris Breakfasts I could look at them all day...
Is the attraction what's inside..?
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris Breakfasts Those yummy macarons?
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsSurely those little French cookies are out of this world...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris Breakfasts But there's something about the boxes that's so enthralling...
I wish I could put my finger on it. They have a decidedly Rococo feel to them. Certainly the soft pale colors are very feminine. M. was saying the ribbony cartouche design was used on old wine labels. It was used on everything in 18th century French design. Does it make us feel a bit like the extravagant Marie-Antoinette - gobbling cookies and not thinking about the consequences...
"Let them eat cake!"
Even if she didn't really say this, the thought lingers...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsLaduree has some new notebooks and fans to help us feel more like Marie-Antoinette...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris Breakfasts Why, oh why didn't I get this pretty pale green umbrella?
Because I saw it my first day in Paris and you never get anything the first day. You tell yourself you'll think about it and come back...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris Breakfasts I did break down and buy this pale green notebook...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsHere is my Laduree collection back in my room in the Marais...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsCan you believe some of these boxes I dragged from New York!
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsThe little round coffret with the almond dragees is a new acquisition...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsI have yet to write a single word in my new Laduree green notebook...
even if it does make me feel Marie-Antoinettish...
Laduree Macaron Boxes - Paris BreakfastsDon't worry. All the macarons and dragees here are long gone! All the boxes came home with me... These are getting to be well-traveled boxes.
Are you nuts about these boxes too?


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