Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Chocolate Maps

Chocolate Map by Sweet Riot I LOVE/HEART maps.
I'll throw a map into a post in at the slightest opportunity.
Maps give us the chance to dream...
What would it be like to walk down that street in Paris etc. I have the NY Metro map as a shower curtain. But a map of Paris would suit me so much better. Never mind all that, the maps dearest to my heart are "Chocolate Maps". And you get them aplenty at any chocolate show, whether Paris or Tokyo. It's a universal concept that delights universally.
Charbonnel et Walker Chocolate MapCharbonnel et Walker has created the almost perfect Chocolate Map. And it's hand-made as lovingly as are their chocolates. But the size is wrong...
Ideally a Chocolate Map should fit inside your purse or pocket - you want to be able to pull it out and study it during moments of supreme boredom like on the subway or while at a birthday party of someone you don't know...
Chuao Chocolate Map Chuao Chocolatier from Venezuela was at the NY Show...
Listen to this: "CHEVRE" Goat cheese, Pear Williams and crushed black pepper butter-cream.
This one chocolate would do nicely for dinner in my opinion...
Payard Chocolate Map Patisserie Payard has this small booklet showing a charming variant on the chocolate map...
Coppeneur Chocolate map Coppeneur of Germany was at the New York Show and gave out this sweet little booklet. Here you get a German lesson as well as the pertinent info on the innards of their chocolates all inside a 3" x 4" 32-page book.
John and Kira's Chocolate Map JOHN & KIRA'S had this lovely full-color foldout (not all pages could be shown here) for the NY Choco Show. I just wish they showed their terrific tasting chocolates as well as the cheery ingredients...Listen up J & K for next year!
Chocolat Michel Cluizel Chocolate Map Chocolat Michel Cluizel knows the importance of a good chocolate map. Although some of his maps have too much real geography for my tastes... I wish they were a bit smaller - more pocket-sized... Chocolats Cluizel was at both the NY and the Paris show - so there were plenty of opps to collect his info.
Are Chocolate Maps the new collectible?
Jean-Charles Rochoux Chocolate Map Jean-Charles Rochoux' chocolate map is utter perfection. There are 7! leafs to his accordian foldout. GENIUS! And his chocolates are perfection too and tiny. He understands well the value of a miniature map. His only shop can be found at:
16, rue d'Assas
75006 - Paris
Gerard Mulot Chocolate Map A Gerard Mulot chocolate map that...sadly I'm damaged or destroyed. It's missing it's better half. Lord know's what I did with it - pasted it onto my head peut-etre?
La Maison du Chocolat Chocolate Map La Maison Du Chocolat understands the chocolate map concept perfectly!
Each season they reel these out for their discerning customers.
Look! I've started to make notes on this one - it's so irresistable!
Jean-Paul Hevin non-Chocolate Map Only text on a chocolate map WILL NOT DO!
What fun is that?
Pierre Herme Macaron Map Pierre Herme understands what goes on in our hearts and minds. He gives us MACARON maps to keep us hooked when away from his boutiques... Just 3.25" x 3.25" and perfect for pocket or purse!
Pierre Herme Chocolate Mask MapDear M. Herme,

Could you PLEASE bring out this FAB collection of chocolate masks as an accordian fold-out map? This big sheet (8.50" x 9") is just too cumbersome to carry around and study at length...
Yours truely,
Chocolate Map expert
Debailleul Chocolate MapA new Belgian company was at the Paris Salon, Debailleul. Their graphics were every bit as enticing as their chocolates. They threatened that they are coming to New York. Oh PLEASE DO COME Debailleul!!! Naturally they are already in Japan.
Chocolate Companion by Chantal Coady
I found Chantal Coady's THE CHOCOLATE COMPANION at the New York show and it is the chocolate map collector's dream come true - detailed descriptions AND PICTURES of chocolatiers' samples around the world.

Listen up!
What do you think about all this nonsense?
Don't forget to CLICK on each chocolate map to get the full treatment.

HAPPY CHOCOLATE DREAMS dear Paris Breakfasts readers


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