Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dessert Alert!

French Pastry watercolor - Paris Breakfasts Are you bringing dessert to your Thanksgiving dinner destination?
French Pastry - Paris Breakfasts Bad things can happen to good desserts - before.
French Pastry - Paris Breakfasts When they are in transit - after.
French Pastry - Paris Breakfasts I took these 3 desserts to Barbara Bleu for afternoon tea.
I'm afraid the trip was too much for these fragile beauties...
French Pastry - Paris BreakfastsHere's a lovely example of red and green harmony from Pierre Herme...
French Pastry - Paris Breakfasts Not so lovely result from a trip on the Paris Metro -it went slip sliding away, because I did not treat it with kid gloves. c'est la vie
French Pastry - Paris BreakfastsMy 1st day in Paris I made a B-line for Pierre Herme and bought this lovely creation plus 2 others, thinking I'd have painting material for a while...
Paris Metro - Paris BreakfastsI made the fatal error of entering the Metro at rush hour. Quelle idiot! I know why French women snack on Pierre Herme's fabulous desserts in the street.
Plus I did not request these 3 delights to be packed seperately.
Live and learn.
It would be wise to reserve a hotel close to your favorite patisserie.Hotel Bonaparte is across from Pierre Herme.
French Pastry - Paris Breakfasts Sometimes you will be sold les macarons sans /without a box top!
Quelle sacriledge et tragedie!
French Pastry - Paris Breakfasts
Listen when the sales person asks if your dessert is "pour emporte?" Take-away and eat immediately? Tell her it's un cadeau/gift. You need une boite /box.Or there may be an unhappy surprise when you get back to your room to feast. Speaking of feasting...
I'd like to be having Thanksgiving dinner where Francois Simon of Le Figaro is dining. The dessert looks especially fetching. I was once a guest at Les Crayères because I'd drawn a portrait of the chef, Gerard Boyer. I will draw for food anytime!


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