Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The next chapter of my varied career path...Butcher, baker, candlestick maker...
What's next? Chefs jacket painter!

As I mentioned before I had nothing to wear to the ball...I mean the chef portrait exhibit opening at the James Beard House.. So I painted a chef's jacket to wear covered with portraits of said chefs!

Here's a back view with my favorite back views of the chefs...
I mentioned also that I wore 4 different jackets to Paul Bocuse award luncheon... Not all at once silly! I rotated them in the ladies room. A tall, dark, thin man came over and said he'd like to order a painted jacket.
asked for his business card. He said he had none. I asked could he write his name on a piece of paper.. And he wrote -
George Duboeuf!
I did a special "Flower Label" jacket for a friend of his...

At the same Bocuse event another chef invited me for lunch at his Lyon hotel restaurant.There he served me my first and last whole black Perigord truffle en croute. After I finished his dish and assured him it was wonderful.. (what do I know of truffles, chocolate or otherwise) He informed me, Now you will paint me a chef's jacket. You have just eaten your payment!
Pas de choise / I had no choice..
C'est la vie
Sometimes you just have to pay the piper for your dinner..

I got to know famed French chef, Roger Verge at that luncheon too. He asked me to paint him a special jacket for his upcoming vegetable cookbook tour. Payment would be a stay at his fabulous French Riviera inn, Le Moulin de Mougins. I never got around to tasting that "truffle" and now he's no longer there :(

Wendy Brandes at the Wall Street Journal did a little story on the jackets...
"Michelangelo liked ceilings.
Diego Rivera preferred murals. Carol Gillott goes for...chefs jackets."
I never had to worry again what to wear to the ball or any foodie events I was shooting. And I was a walking sandwich board for the jackets. Moms liked the jackets for their graduating culinary school kids. Chefs liked them too for special events. And the chefs were just entering the celebrity arena at that time...
I threw in this back view of the "pasta jacket" of a hilltown for all you returning sojourners from Italy, Merisi and Brit!


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