Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sheep may not safely graze during Easter/Paques.
They are more likely to end up on your dinner plate..

There is always the option of becoming a chocolate sheep, if you're shopping at Dehillerin and buy this yellow mold...

BCBG had sheep safely grazing in their windows on rue Saint Honore...

This black sheep found a safe refuge at the Art-Paris show...

Plenty of sheep are seeking sanctuary at the new Lalanne show at Les Arts decoratifs... The noise is deafening...

But as long as you keep them outside your chateau, it's bearable...

Inside, they do best on the floor...

Hippos, blue or not, can graze all they want without fear or fuss...

As can cat-bird-fish-cows...

A non-grazing horse-lamp was not in the show but standing in an alcove on rue Tronchet...

At Les Arts Decoratifs, you could almost spend as much time in the bookstore browsing as in the museum in my opinion...

A dog onboard-a-Lalanne-sheep postcard...

Here's a little gentle music for those sheep...


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