Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Pierre Herme pre-opening Tuesday morning I had a "private" visit to Pierre Herme on 185, rue Vaugirard to take as many pictures as I wanted from both sides of the counter. YAY!
Dusk in the Marais Later I decided on a late run to my photo shop in the 6th - camera problems. It was dusk in the Marais. Irresistable for marching around.
Starbucks Paris I passed a Starbucks on rue des Archives and peeked in. It's hugely popular in Paris with the French to my surprise. They love the big loungie chairs and relaxed atmosphere.
velib The banks of Velib bikes everywhere is a delight! These stations were empty during the strike/ greve last week. Next time I'll get a Navigo card so I can use one. I'll bone up on my biking skills too before I come again...Hotel de Ville I passed the glorious Hotel de Ville enroute to the left bank -always spectacular at night.
crossing the Petit Pont Cross the Petit Pont...
Notre Dame To where Notre Dame awaits...
Notre Dame at night Awaits every tourist in Paris. Sometimes it's nice to be a tourist...
Art galerie on rue de Petit PontA small art galerie on rue de Petit Pont with large, mysterious Medieval style paintings...
Shop window on rue de Petit PontA shop window nearby with tiny, adorable Limoge snuff boxes...
Le Select bistro At St.Michel I popped into the Metro and came out at stop Vavin facing my favorite bistro - Le Select. You can't go wrong here for tons of Parisian ambience-the food is irrelevant.
L'Opera Garnier Another night I took this shot of the L'Opera Garnier. No flash required. Walking around Paris at night is one of my favorite things.
Jean-Charles Rachoux ChocolatThe streets are not so crowded and perfect for leche-vitrine / window shopping with no chance of maxing out your credit card.
Laduree shoppers Late shoppers at Bonaparte Laduree can still max out their credid cards. Lines, lines, lines, plus you feel the tension and anticipation - will there be any macarons left?Cafe Deux Magots Here winners of a box of Laduree macarons enjoy their booty at nearby Cafe Le Deux Magots...
Hotel Beaumarchaise in the Marais A pretty "boutique" hotel I spotted walking around another night in the Marais...
bla bla bla I hope you enjoyed all my Paris "bla bla bla" I shoot and run.
And I forget ALL names and addresses instantly. I'm not a personal shopper nor a tourist guide. I'm just an artist who loves to look.
Paris MacaronsI couldn't leave you without some Paris macarons.
Please take a bite.
I'll be on AF0008 tonight coming back to you.
**a repost from a year ago, since I'm very busy with French Bull Dogs at the moment...woof


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