Besides they close between 12:30 and 13:00 and it was 12:20. And sometimes I get shy...ahem
Not that the windows didn't provide plenty of food for thought...
These cobblestones are called pavé
And during the '68 student revolution(?)
The kids tore up the pavé to throw at the police (?) I'm not very sure about this - help me out here smart PBers s.v.p.!
So chocolatierMichel Chaudun was commemorating the 40th anniversary with these divine looking chocolate "pavé"
While I was window gazing and shooting and salivating, the Michel Chaudun truck was being unloaded...
By this gentleman...
Who it turns out is M. Michel Chaudun himself! I just discovered this yesterday... Have you been inside this chocolate shop? Do tell all please. Maybe next time I'll get up the nerve and go inside...