Wednesday, April 23, 2008

MesVitrines NYC

Tea at Petrossian, original watercolor, 9" x 11"

Not many will happily admit to "doing windows", but that's exactly what Parisien Anne Corrons does. Anne goes around New York City and analyzes and shoots the fashion windows for her blog, MesVitrines NYC and for a French online fashion publication, Fashion- Addict.
Anne paid a visit to Paris Breakfast and after several blog visits back and forth we agreed to meet for tea. I suggested the Petrossian Boutique, one of New York's Frenchiest cafes at 911 7th Avenue.
We did not get the Petrossian caviar so proudly displayed in the windows...ahem
Notice how it's sitting among faux diamonds instead of ice.
Nor did I buy these lovely Petrossian cups for a still life...quelle triste...
Instead we headed to the tiny mezzanine and ordered tea for two.
The staff sent us down to the front window to pick out our desserts.
Anne chose the gateau coulant au chocolat on the front right...

I have become passionate about anything passion fruit since gobbling Pierre Herme's divine passion fruit macarons so the choice was easy. I got the tart on the right.
Competing desserts - an apple tartie thing...
A black berry thing...
Anne, ever the discerning Parisien, inspects her dessert.
Ah ha! Success! Anne is happy.
She tries to explain to me what a "coulant" is with sloopy hand gestures. I guess wildly - a ski slope? a hill? a valley? Getting nowhere fast.
I found out today that a gateau coulant au chocolat means MOLTEN CHOCOLATE!
You can find a very nice recipe for it at La Tartines!
The "demise" of our desserts.
Anne, in true French fashion leaves 1/2 on her plate.
And I in my usual fashion leave the crust and scoop out all the tart's yummy innards...hmmm
Anne said when her Parisien friends come to visit, they all HAVE to go to Magnolia Bakery! They are just as in love with Cary and Sex in The City as we are! Please visit Anne Corrons' blog, MesVitrines NYC if not to see how Anne manages to make New York windows look exactly like Paris windows then for the ready French lecons. You'll never get never lost in tranlation at chez Anne.


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