Friday, October 26, 2007

Macaron en gris This is not another post on all the grey fashions in Paris!
Remember I was late to the Gerard Mulot MEETING THE FRENCH visit?
Gerard Mulot Macaron Tower So I decided to do a repeat "make-up" session since I had missed one meeting by going off to Provence bla bla bla...
Meeting The French Macaron guide Florence This is our lovely Macaron guide, Florence admiring the chocolat...
Gerard Mulot Macaron Chef LeclercAnd here is chief macaron Chef Leclerc inside the kitchen/ cuisine.
Chef Leclerc shares his Macaron secrets Chef Leclerc happily shares his macaron secrets with us. The chef is present from morning to night making sure the macarons are PERFECT! And they are.
Macaron topsHere Chef explains that only some of the macaron tops or coques are flavored, such as cafe, chocolate...I have to check my illegible notes.
Macaron raspberry colorantChef adds raspberry/ framboise colorant to the beating egg whites.
macaron danceOnce the eggs are beaten to perfection, Chef Leclerc goes hands on and up to his elbows, folding in the sugar and the almond flour. This is quite unique I think...
Macaron danceThe chef does...
Macaron danceThe Macaron Dance!
He knows exactly when the batter is mixed to perfection. He creates all the new seasonal flavors / parfums (18 at the moment). They get final approval from Mulot and the board. Wouldn't you just love to sit on that board judging the new flavors? :)
macaron dance Here Chef gives a helping hand to the batter into the mac making machine. Sometimes the mac-maker slips up and messes up the macs. The chef is on it tout a suite throwing the batter right back in, till it behaves properly.
Macaron batterHave a look at the framboise-colored macaron batter...
Macarons A tray of perfect macs ready for the oven / fore...
Macarons ready for the oven At Gerard Mulot, they rest just 10 minutes, not 1 hour as at my Lenotre class...hmmm
Macarons twirl inside the oven This revolving oven is new at Gerard Mulot and can bake many more macarons. 80 kilos are made each day at Gerard Mulot! Let's see - 8 macarons approximately in 100 grams (I counted). 1 kilo should equal 80 macarons. You do the math and report back :)
Macarons removed from the fore Removing the hot trays at exactly the right moment. Many of the stagieres / workers are from Japan. There are (are you sitting down!) 18 Gerard Mulot shops in Japan just selling ONLY MACARONS!!!! WOW! They all come to Paris to learn the recipe and get the training. Hello? YOW American pastry chefs get off your duffs and get on!macarons resting Here the baked framboise lids get their beauty sleep for 24 hours but I may have gotten that wrong in my excitement. Don't quote me.
Macarons ready to receive their fillingsThe lids are getting ready to be filled....
the Macarons get their ganache filling White chocolate ganache is piped into coconut macaron lids..YUM! This worker looks very happy :)
Macarons waiting for their tipsMacarons wait for their tops...
Nougat Macaron reward As a reward for our patience we get to taste a nougat macaron. Double YUMmaking the chocolate ganache Then we head into the chocolate kitchen to see ganache made. That's another post that will have to wait dear readers. Aren't you fatique from all the hard work you did just observing?
back inside Gerard Mulot shop Out of the cuisines and into the shop we get another reward - a gift mini box of Gerard Mulot delicious chocolates! We worked hard so we deserve them, right? I hope you enjoyed your MEETING THE FRENCH visit. Would I recommend that you do this next visit to Paris?


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