Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Aux Puces

Just some of my bootie from the flea Here is just a little of the bootie I acquired at the Sunday puce in Provence...
I broke it so I own it And here's what I broke while browsing... I didn't take it with the rest my items. Was that a mistake?
Puce - flea marketA terrific coffee moulie for the wall. Ah Ha! Bleu de Provence!!!
Puce - flea marketI thought this was fun - A dealer's petit dejeuner...
China sets for dollsLots of dollhouse petit dejeuner sets... Who could resist? I bought one.
China sets for grownups too Complet tea sets for grownups too...
Puce - flea market And in so many beautiful colors.
Puce - flea marketThe puce went on forever down so many avenues and lanes in the park.
Puce - flea marketHere Corey, flea market shopper searches for special goodies. 4 eyes are better than 2, and I'm used to looking for still life objects, so we each found things the other would like but not necessarily spot .
Fraise Tagada There has to be penny candy at a puce! Can you find the Fraise Tagada here?


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