Monday, October 22, 2007

Comme Des Sardines...

chocolate Sardines from Ile de la Re Chocolats On the first day of the Paris transit strike as M. and I crossed the Pont Neuf, we saw workers pour into the Metro. M. said they will be packing into the few trains available "comme des sardines". I said we have the same expression - "packed in like sardines"! M. was surprised, but it's a universal concept afterall.At the Salon du Chocolat I saw lots of chocolate sardines stacked high. Herrings too...
chocolate sardines They're all filled with rich chocolate ganache. These sardines will traditionally end up in many French Christmas stockings.
Ile de la Re ChocolatsAll the chocolate fish were being sold at the Il de la Re Chocolats' stand, made on a popular resort island off the west coast of France near La Rochelle.
the sardines jump into the tin Getting to the chocolate show entailed stacking into the Metro...
sardines Very much like those chocolate sardines - The tin closes.
mashed sardines Inside the sardines are mashed but for a good reason.
So much chocolateTheir modus operendi is to avail themselves of the stacks...
Chocolate stacksAnd stacks of delicious chocolate awaiting them at the Salon du Chocolat.
chocolate stacked like sardinesI've never seen so much chocolate!
Ah the smell of it...
Chocolate stacked highThe buyers are stacked up...
chocolae stacksPatiently waiting to buy their own stack of chocolate.
Children make chocolatesThese two little sardines were...
Children make chocolatesHappily attending...
Children make chocolatesChocolate class.
The BEST school ever!
(no pun intended...)


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