I am ever curious about the French attachment to penny candy and other things of childhood...
A French friend, a philosophy Ph.D, first pointed out Les Bonbons to me on rue Brea in the 6th, a delightful penny candy emporium, though I seriously doubt you can get anything for a centime there...
It was her favorite shop...
The "penny" candy kisoque at the Odeon Metro Station is constantly busy, though you rarely see children scarfing up these pricey lollies and gummi bears. I hesitated when I saw $5 for just 100 grams (3.3 ounces)
The old fashioned ice cream cone is a Parisien favorite. There are more ice cream shops in Paris than in New York! Why ever?
A giant blue lapin just sitting out in the street? Arresting non...
High or low, Parisiens do not put away childish things, like this window at Pierre Herme focused on an enfants dreams (that refers to all of us when we enter his patisserie...) Who is not reduced to a needy, hungry 5-year old, please raise your hand.
Here Renault takes a favorite penny candy - the fraise tagada and covers a car with it! Penny candy is serious business in France :)
Another very high-end creator, Paris chocolatier Jean-Charles Rochoux, has these cuddling chocolate bears in the vitrine...
A toy doggie purse. Eeek 165 euros...hesitation sets in.
At the cafe Loup in the Musee Arts Decorativ they serve fraise tagada as an afternoon snack with your tea (on the near right). Note the guimauve/marshmallows on the far left. And this is a museum!!!
The museum bookstore had this book solely on French penny candy and I should have bought it. I just did on Amazon.fr Yay
A boutique in the Marais specializes in old school paraphrenalia and toys - Au Petit Bonheur La Chance 13 rue Saint-Paul 75004
Painting by an unknown artist in the 9th
Play and playfulness - there is not enough of it.
The French have figured that out certainment.