Sunday, November 2, 2008

I was just reading Notre Vie Juteuse and when I got to the end of the post... I noticed that I was TAGGED!!!! I love to participate in fun things like this so here is how the game works....

First, the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

I am "tagging" - Susan, Animesh, Barbara, Anne,  Susa and David!  You guys know who you are!!!  

Six random things about me:

Here's the MOST interesting one;

1. My middle name is Mescalina--- I was born in 1965 and my parents were TOTAL HIPPIES (Bohemian style). My dad was into psychedelic things and "mescaline" was one of those things! He named me Mescalina after the "goddess of hallucinations" (not that there really was one--- When I was in the process of getting my first driver's license my mom told me NOT to put my middle name on it because if I was ever pulled over by the cops they would just automatically think I was a druggie!!

2. I used to have a lot of pets for many years when I lived in my small one bedroom apt. in Banker's Hill, San Diego. They were- an African pygmy hedgehog, 4 chinchillas, a rat., two snakes (an amelinistic corn snake, a Brasilian rainbow boa, a Chilean rose hair tarantula, 2 tokai gekkos, a scorpion, a milipede, two cockateils, and tropical fish... Not all of the pets at the same time... but most of them... I really LOVE animals and I had quite a menagerie!!!!

3. I have a really terrible addiction-- BAKING!!! I love to bake! Even if I don't eat it, I love to try new recipes and give it away. I bring my baked goods to the people at my gym, to the lady at the sandwich place I go to and to the people at the Starbucks that I frequent the most. I also bake things for different holidays and give them to my students and their families... My husband LOVES it, too.... He brings stuff to his coworkers...

4. I LOVE to workout! If I could just have a room at the gym, I'd live there... I have always LOVED to work out. I used to work for the La Jolla YMCA for 12 years- summer camp... So, I had a free membership. Sometimes, I worked out two times a day. I was a workout-aholic! It was a little obsessive!

5. I always wanted to live in a foreign country! Ever since I can remember.... When I was in high school, it was my dream to live in Australia, and I traveled there for two months when I was 19- it was my first time out of the country. At least it was an English speaking country. I went by myself and worked in NZ for two months- I found a place to live and a job and just had the experience of working and traveling abroad alone!! Greatest experience in my life! I still maintain my passion for traveling!

6. I have been to Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Polynesia (6 islands), Germany, Austria, Italia, Brasil (Rio), Hawaii, NY, NJ, Washington D.C., Mexico, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, and traveled extensively in California and France. There are a million more places I would like to see!!!!


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