Thursday, August 28, 2008

#176B Laduree Macarons for Sophia, original watercolor,9" x 11"
Sometimes I get funny requests from PB readers...
Like the time a CEO from Mumbai wanted to special order macarons for his boss' private fact I get a lot of potential orders for macarons. If only I could bake!
Yesterday Sophia sent me these pictures!
Here's what she has to say:

"I am very pleased with the way it turned out and would be delighted for you to do a post. I was even thinking of sending some photos to Laduree just for grins.
I love Laduree-Rue Royale. It's always one of our first stops in Paris, but now Laduree-Bonaparte is closer (we stay at the Lutetia). I am making a very, very big dollhouse and was searching for French minis for it one day on the web. I found the facade on the website of La Boite a Joujoux, which is one of the miniatures shops in the Passage Jouffroy that I had bought from previously.
...for quite a long time and enfin... ...I took it back to my apartment for a mini photo shoot and to see if the scale was right for me to paint.

The picture on the back wall is the ceiling of Laduree Bonaparte that I manipulated on the computer and then glazed with stained glass medium to add the brush strokes. The chef doll is by Marcia Blackstrom."

At 20 EUROS (!!!) (ouch ouch ouch!) I decided it was just too tiny to go with other pastries and returned it the next day with no regrets. I figured out how to make my own Laduree boxes happily :) Et voila! The REAL thing in all it's glory...sigh Somehow this line doesn't look so annoying does it?
Who of us would not jump to get on this line for a 10-15 minutes wait right now?
BIG MERCI Sophia for sharing your Laduree dreams with us!
YES! I LOVE the little Laduree box on the counter. So much so, that I flirted intensely with it at the mini boutique on Ile St.Louis...The floor tiles come from the UK, the furniture is Bespaq, the pastries are by Lesley Burgess of The English Kitchen and Betty Sartorio, a French miniaturist (don't you love the macarons on the table and the little box on the counter?). I knew as soon as I saw it that it was perfect for a patisserie, so I bought it and had the box custom-made to fit. It made sense to make it a tribute to Laduree, and to paint it to look like a macaron box (I intend to stencil the swag on the sides some day).When Sophia T. contacted me to help her out with a "swag" from Laduree's boxes to decorate the walls of her miniature tableau, I'm afraid I was not much help...


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