Friday, December 14, 2007

Fruits Rouges

Someone wrote yesterday:
One thing I simply cannot understand, is the fascination (obsession ?) that you and many others have of macarons.
What exactly is it that is so delicious about these ?
So I thought I'd focus on the French obsession with Fruits Rouges / red fruit desserts today.
This from Gerard Mulot, who loves colorful fruity desserts.
Another Gerard Mulot - a fraiser, full of strawberries of course.
These squares of raspberries are from Fauchon and the touch of green pistachio around the edges only heightens the redness of the fruit.
Individual RED tarts. Are they to cheer up the Parisian grey skies?
Here French painter Fantin-Latour included a lush plate of fraises / strawberries with a canister of sugar...just in case.
We saw these drink-your-red-fruits smoothies at the Beaubourg museum cafe...
Giant fraise tagada strawberry-shaped candies at the Odeon candy shop.
Here's a fab RED scarfe that says Je T'aime...I love you.
A red cow bag at the boutique PYLONES...
I don't know where I saw these child's red slippers but I couldn't resist shooting them for posterity...
Certainly RED is a French favorite color and for those of you who still like your macarons, a pink one to munch on...


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