Thursday, December 20, 2007

Audrey at Tiffany's

I thought I'd let you get into the mood right from the start of today's post on Tiffany's...

Tiffany's windows

Come on gang,

Tiffany's windows Let's go inside first!

Tiffany's windowsInside Tiffany is a big, spacious well-lite room, so you can't miss those diamonds. I was shooting the interior decorations when a "French" person came up to me and requested most politely that I not shoot inside.
Tiffany's windows So out to Tiffany's 4 windows - naturally they have a winter theme -
ice, ice, and more ice.
Tiffany's windowsPlenty to Oooo and Ahhh over...
Tiffany's windowsBut what is going on here?
Tiffany's windowsA golden egg full of feathers surrounded by diamonds and snow...OK
Tiffany's windows This one has a tiny sley in the midst of glitzy christmas trees...hmmm..
Tiffany's windowsHere's an interior view with silver tableware - Oooo...Ahhhh...zzzzz
Tiffany's windowsBut in the good old days, when Gene Moore did Tiffany's windows, your socks would be knocked off clear accross the street! He could fill a window with popcorn, pasta, ice cream cones AND NO DIAMONDS! and your jaw would drop to the ground in wonderment.
Tiffany's windows "Make people stop" was his motto.
Moore can take credit for putting belly buttons on mannequins and for placing kissing rhinos beneath a Valentine's Day heart.
Tiffany's windows Oh well in the meantime we'll just have to make do with this darling be-jeweled diamond deer...
Which brings me back to dear Audrey...
Audrey Hepburn and Tiffany's go together like caviar and Champagne - both timeless classics. It's hard to think of one without the other is it not PB readers? I noticed there's a new Audrey book in bookstore windows by fashion photographer, Howell Conant, who took publicity shots on set during the filming of Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Here's a book by John Loring, Tiffany's design director for the past 25 years, on their history of pearls.
OK time to bite into your croissants.
More New York windows to come -
Bergdorf's, Bendels, Barney's, Saks...


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