From inside the hallway of our apt. building before going outside...

Stepping out into the parking lot...

Christmas trees...

My landlady and a tenant, gabbing out in the snow...

Cool rubber rain boots I bought this summer at Target... VERY stylish!!

Cat's paw prints in the snow!

A responsible neighbour... cleaning his sidewalk... I think his was the only one I noticed around this block... Chattin' up the postier!

Didn't he do a GREAT JOB?!! I know that Barbara can relate to this...

The alleyway of the neighbour's house.. Can cars drive through that stuff?? Sure looks pretty!
Turning the corner of our street and hitting the main street...
Local restaurant owner sprinkling salt in front of his restaurant to make sure people don't slip and slide...

Very nice gentleman! He agreed to pose for my blog and I had a nice chat with him and his lovely wife.... If you see this... HELLO!!!