Friday, January 15, 2010

So tighten your bibs this morning PBers.
There's gonna be a whole lot of droolin' goin' on.
Ze book I have been waiting for arrived yesterday:
Paris Patisseries:History Shops Recipes
And it is worth every minute of anticipation and excitement.
The photographs by Christian Sarramon are incredible and incomparably detailed - almost better than the real thing!
There are plenty of interior shots too like Angelinas here...
And Poilane's galette des rois here. The text is just as detailed as the photographs. You almost don't need to go to Paris.
Compare Sarramon's Ble Sucre's tarte tatin...
With my pathetic shot. Oh well c'est la vie..
There are two dozen recipes both metric and non-metric for the bakers out there. And extensive details on the best patisseries in Paris in the back of the book - this is a team effort and part of an excellent series published by Flammarion. The intoduction is by none other than Pierre Herme so everything is top drawer about this book.
I give it 5 miams.
That's the top grade at PB.
A box of French macarons also arrived yesterday!
Two dozen in fact and none of them broken. I asked The Tea Room to send me a box to try out and I have a happy report.
They are very nice indeed.
Not Parisien bien sur, but French and good size, good texture, good taste and the price is not bad at all in my opinion. Certainly worth munching on while you drool on the above book (just to get the full Frenchie experience).

Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you

Whoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you



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