Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Underpinnings ~

With all of the talk about lingerie inspired looks in the runway collections, I want to share some of my favourite lingerie designers and designs.  Over the next several days, (it may take several!) I plan to post various designers and styles.

Mr Pearl corset

Today's topic: Corsets!  What is sexier?  Corsets came into vogue during the 1990's.  However, they have been around for hundreds of years, if not longer. 

In the 1800's, the corset was thought of as a medical necessity.  It was believed that a woman was very fragile and needed assistance from some sort of stay to hold her up.

corset shop in France, circa 1912

Over time, the styling has changed from it's original design. The materials have changed as well. 

Corsets were once made of thick leather with whalebone or steel stays.  No wonder women were always fainting!

Mr Pearl

When I think of corsets, immediately Mr Pearl comes to mind.  Set up as a corset-maker to the stars in London in 1994, Mark Pullin, calling himself Mr Pearl, has lived in Paris since 2002 designing for couture houses.  His work is precise and meticulous, with hand beading and the attention to detail fit for a queen.

Mr Pearl corset

Pearl, himself, has worn an 18" corset, day and night, for over a decade.  He works out of an atelier behind the Notre Dame cathedral.  Commissioned by Lacroix, Gaultier and Galliano for their runway designs, Pearl's clients also include Kylie Minogue, Dita Von Teese and Jerry Hall.

Louise Feuillère

Another exquisite corset-maker is Louise Feuillère.  In 2007, it was Feuillère that won the Meilleur Ouvrier de France title for lingerie-corsetry (Best Craftsman of France). 

Louise Feuillère

The two most common corset styles are over-bust and under-bust.  I prefer to have at least one of each.

Sophia Loren ~ isn't she a beauty?

     Many designers are featuring corsets once again on the runway for Spring.  Do you wonder how to incorporate this trend into your ensemble? 

Dior Spring 2010

My favourite looks are from Dior, Dolce and Gabbana and Jason Wu.  For myself, I prefer the styles of Dolce and Jason Wu ~ paired with a cardigan or under a sheer blouse. 

Dolce and Gabana

Jason Wu

Dolce and Gobbana

If you don't have the funds for couture, these affordable corsets are every bit as lovely.  A well made corset will last for years.

What Katie Did

Agent Provocateur

Carine Gilson

Corset styling comes in all shapes and forms, especially from Chantal Thomass.  I love, love, love Chantal Thomass!  I plan to have an entire post dedicated to her that will feature more of her corset styling of various products.

Chantal Thomass Pouf

Au Revoir!  xoxo, B


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