Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Café Du Coin

I did this portrait of favorite café du coin Le Bosquet for some PB readers...
This was my café du coin, but I'm ashamed to admit I never set foot in it.
Maybe next week :O
I love taking pictures of café du coin till the cows come home...
I just don't like to sit down and lounge around in them...
What's wrong with me?
They sure do look like fun to hang out in...
And with the red checked napery/nappe à carreaux...
It seems like they're having a picnic in the street!
A Paris Café can become your studio or atelier like some people feel free to do. And why not if they'll let you nurse one coffee all day while you write your great novel..?
I am absolutely smitten with the hand-written graphics at Paris Cafés
It's so much more personal reading someone's scrawly handwriting than a printed menu isn't it?
Can you get any Frenchier than this?!
And have you noticed that Parisien café chairs...
Are always made by Maison J. Gatti? They all wear brass dogtags to let you know. Take a look next time before you sit down. Of course the patterns and colors differ from café to café...
I have frequented Le Comptoir des Archives a couple of times.
I went there exactly a year ago for dejeuner...
And I had their Salade Composée ocean with salmon...
This time when I ordered it they changed a few of the veggies but it tasted pretty much the same and the price was still 9 euros!
Pas mal non?
Do you think if you bought these decals at BHV and a couple of rattan chairs from J. Gatti you could re-create your own café at home? Hmmmm
Do you have a favorite café du coin and can you convince me to go there and actually sit down and shoot the breeze?
Try me!
Bonjour Mercredi!!!


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