Friday, April 3, 2009

Merci, Au Revoir

Whenever you leave a shop in Paris, as you go out the door you say,
"Merci, au revoir.."
I'm back in New York City as of last night, but I want to say "Merci, au revoir" to all the things Paris gave me.
Merci Metro for taking me where ever my heart desired and for my Passe Navigo!
Merci Parisien baguettes for letting me follow you everywhere, even having lunch in a cafe. "Je te dérange"?
Thank you Paris cafes.
You are the best! No matter how much we all try to emulate you, you are uniquely a Parisien entity.
Thank you Paris Printemps weather for being so consistently gorgeous that I'm spoiled forever.
Merci Parisien girls for showing me how to wear my sac and tie my écharpe...
AND now I walk the "Paris Walk"!
Thank you Paris for having the most beautiful fleuriste shops in the world and so many of them!
Thank you Paris facades.
I love you more than ever and can't wait to get back to painting you again!
Thank you Pierre Herme patisserie. I visited you so many times I lost count and I was always surprised and delighted. Laduree too, made my day over and over...
*PLEASE everyone - it is LADUREE, not La Duree, which means the the term, the period, the length.
Ah the Paris Line, I have learned to love you, here at patisserie Gerard Mulot (and that's Mulot on the left making sure everything is correct!)

Thank you Paris for letting me get lost so many times and discover so many new things!
THANK YOU Paris monuments and best of them all, the Eiffel Tower. I am completely and totally won over by you.
Thank you magnificent window reflections for helping to catch Paris' beauties both inside and outside...
Thank you to the thousands (millions?) of Jack Russell terriers all over Paris, who made me giggle with your silliness...
Thank you Paris Vélos for making the air sooooo much cleaner!
Thank you Rick for being such a terrific friend and giving me exactly the right kick in the pants I needed. If only I could return the favor :)
Thank you, second cousin Kristine in Pigalle, for always being so charmingly French...
Thank you dear Anne, for being your décontractée, cool, plein de style, Parisien self and for sharing so many Paris secrets.
Thank you Paris patisseries (here at Jean-Paul Hevin). You never cease to delight the eye and the tastebuds.
More crazy wild gateaux at La Petite Marquise at 3, Place Victor Hugo75116...
THANK YOU MACARONS who gave me an excuse to return to Paris.
And Pierre Herme Mogador, I am yours!
Thank you all paris street signs for helping me find my way and being so beautiful. I have 4 of you now attached to my refrigerator door :)
Thank you 6 escaliers, I finally learned to love you and climb you with ease by the last day!
Thank you Susanne, for letting me get to know the Eiffel Tower so well your darling pied-à-terre...
The last night in Paris I dragged myself out of bed at midnight to see the lights sparkle again like champagne bubbles. No wonder everyone in the world loves this fabulous monument!
Thank you little Frigo for guarding my many boxes of macarons.
I managed to bring home at least 12 boxes. It's all for research purposes in case you were wondering...
THANK YOU PARIS for giving me the time of my life.
And THANK YOU PB readers for all your suggestions and support and encouragement. You kept me going when I thought I couldn't take another step, but I had a higher purpose.
I hope you enjoyed the ride!
And as Anne told me the French say,
"ce n'est qu'un au revoir..."
Till we meet again...


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