Friday, April 17, 2009

Le Palmier

Boulangerie de Palmier, original art, 5" x 7"
French Girl says I do not pronounce "palmier" correctly...
Who cares!? I've been eating 'elephant ears' since I was a kid...
True they don't look much like an elephant's ear...
Nor do they look like a 'pig's ear'...
And what this classic pastry has to do with a "palm tree" is a mystery?
This trip I decided to do serious research on the French palmier - pronounced palm-me-ay or FG's version: "palmi-é"
This lush baby comes from...
Adorable patisserie/restaurant, Coquelicot in Montmartre...
Patisserie Carette makes a rafinee palmier.
As does this no-name boulangerie...
On rue de Rennes, 75006...
Patisserie Stohrer on 51, rue Montorgueil, 75001 sells golden palmiers...
Paris' best ice cream-maker, Berthillon makes their own palmier.
In the window at Bonbonniere de Buci on rue de Buci, 75005...
There's no way to make a proper palmier without tons of butter...
Le Moulin de la Vierge blasts the fact right on their windows - Dr. Pritikin would have a cardiac infarction on the spot.
This humble palmier comes from not so humble Patisserie Jean Millet on 103, rue St. Dominque, 75007.A mystery palmier, but it looks darn good - crispy, crunchy and thinly delicate. I hope you've gained a bit of visual insight into how a good palmier should look if not taste. Did I eat any of my research subjects you ask? I did not. I've moved on to the chaussons aux pomme (a kind of apple pocket only the French do right.
FYI: you will never find a palmier in a Metro snack dispensers, but there are plenty of madeleines and they aren't half bad!
Do you have a fav Paris pastry I should do serious research on?
Do tell!


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