Thursday, April 9, 2009

L'Escargot Paris

Restaurant L'Escargot Paris, original art, 5" x 7"
Have any of you had snails at restaurant L'Escargot?
I've passed by so many times at 38, rue Montorgueil 75001, and perused the menu, but I've yet to enter...
No guts...not glory :(
While I was busily prepping for my March trip, I noticed something interesting as I tried to orient myself to how the arrondissements are laid out and get a sense of how Paris works...
Do you see it too?
Paris is laid out like a snail with the lower numbers in the middle.
Parisien Anne says,
"Paris was built like a snail. You can see it perfectly when you look at the map with the quartiers. Take your finger, imagine it's number one at the center and then draw a snail with the other numbers and you will be able to place the "arrondissements...Yes we are snails."

I know I saw a million chocolate snails in Paris for Easter...
But can I find even one to show you amidst my 6,000 photos?
I must find a way to organize my pictures other than on a day by day basis...
Not a snail, but close...ahem.
I did read in Prevention Magazine that another way to fight off depression without pills is to look through old photos. This must be why I never get depressed. I look through Paris photos daily...
Is this a French snail? Looks more like a conch to me...
This gorgeous hunky snail was in New York Bergdorf Goodman's Xmas windows. Are there more snails in effigy in New York like Eiffel Towers?
I did once have snails at the now long-gone classic bistro de Saint-Peres (it's been replaced by Sonia Rykiel's flagship boutique on boulevard St. Germain and I can't forgive her for that).
If you plan to eat l'escargot you should be prepared. It's comparable to eating 6 croissants at one sitting, the butter is that rich. But Paris provides the antidote - ODDIBIL 250. It's available at most pharmacies and just plain old charcoal tablets. It will filter out all the richeness so you'll live to shop another day.
Please tell me your l'escargot stories.


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