Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I was listening to Tina Brown talk about her
"second acts, third acts, fourth acts," etc. on Charlie Rose
and I was reminded of some past acts of my own.
I used to use an airbrush and my illustrations were heavily influenced by
Japanese woodblocks for their compositions and coloring.
After a serious injury landed me in the hospital, I got interested in medical art...
Always lemons into lemonade is on my menu :) Really it was the pharmaceutical advertising art you see in all the medical journals.The movie TRON had just opened - the first film to use computer graphics extensively.
I combined the TRON look with old master drawings....
Still using the airbrush (PhotoShop was yet to be) I came up with a transparent,futuristic style that suited medical art to a T!
My first illlustration flyer brought in a ton of work.
Advil ads, Prozac ads, high-tech anything ads became my caviar and champagne.
Medical advertising pays nicely.
I did covers for Time, Newsweek, Business Week, Omni etc.
Are you asking
WHO IS THIS PERSON? I've no idea and if I had to pickup an airbrush now I'd be a goner. I did this for almost 10 years.
Hillary Clinton came along with her cutbacks on pharmaceutical wastage-
among them, ads that ended up in the circular file
i.e. the wastepaper basket
i.e. what I was producing
And my very lucrative medical illustration business went down the drain. Around then I volunteered for the James Beard House. And a new career evolved that still kept me in champagne and caviar. From there I went on to wine art, but that's another Wednesday story.


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