Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Julia at Poilâne

Julia at Poilâne , original watercolor, 9" x 11"
If you're looking for Julia of WI, she's hanging out at Poilâne on
8 rue du Cherche-Midi,
Paris 75006

She's obsessed with their sourdough boul miche.
Half of Paris and London is biting into a boule miche at this very second.
C'est la vie.
Me, I'm obsessed with Poilâne's paper bags.
OK, so I love all the bread paper bags in Paris.
If I see a bread bag, I have to have it. Some people feel the same way about Chloe bags, so what's the diff? They're both French right?
Admittedly Poilâne's paper bag is one of the best bread bags IN THE WORLD.
Their typography makes me have sweet dreams...
Their boule miche...OK I usually pick one up sliced at the super marche. It's the bag I'm after. HA!
Asuncion said I had to try Poilâne's apple tart.
The bag was a mess after - I'll never do that again. Each to her own obsession...
The shop is very pretty and you can get an expensive Poilâne lunch next door. I remember when it was just a little room upstairs with just simple sandwiches...oh la-de-da
Poilâne has a sort of playhouse on their site and you can move around the boule miche putting stuff in the basket etc. if that takes your fancy. No paper bags though...
Don't get lost looking for the boule miche...
BONJOUR Poilâne!


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