Monday, February 1, 2010

Hector Guimard

I was browsing over at Peter'sParis, while tearing my hair out looking for something to post on this morning...
Peter is the master blogger on Paris architecture. He took me up to Montmartre (enfin) and showed me the highpoints - I have a tiny fear of heights (why I've never been...hmmm)
An expat resident formerly from Sweden, Peter knows Paris better than most Parisiens. Do visit. You'll be enthralled too.
Today he was chatting about architect Hector Guimard, art nouveau creator of many Metro stations...
Not by Guimard but certainly art nouveauesque non?
Do you know who designed Paris' kiosks?
Or this art nouveauie cafe table leg?
Last time in Paris, I had lunch with Peter at Brasserie Flo..
7, cour des Petites Ecuries
(entrée par le 63, rue du Fg Saint Denis)
You can't get more art nouveau than Flo.
Even our huitres were art nouveauesque - just look at the organic flowing lines, harmony and continuity...
Peter's steak tatare is not so art nouveau in my opinion, but then I don't eat red meat...
However my macaron framboise dessert with twirly dollops of whipped cream = the ultimate of art nouveau desserts in my biased opinion...
No one has yet requested to be painted in Paris at the Metro?
Everyone wants to be painted at Cartiers it seems...
BONJOUR Paris Art Nouveau!


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