#111 Emotion Pierre Herme, original watercolor - SOLD, 9" x 11"
Access to French macarons is not readily available if you live in the US for the most part.
However if you are lucky enough to live in Japan, things are different. Not only are French macarons shops on almost every corner...well it looks like that to me. But there is a ton of macaron toys and souvenirs to be had! HUMPH! PB reader Yuko N. kindly sent me these photos. Yuko has only to go out and buy a bottle of Lipton Tea and she gets a Pierre Herme Macaron key chain FREE!LOOK!Pierre Hermechocolate key chains and ice cream sandwich key chains! The French expression, "cela me donne l'eau a la bouche" (this wets my appetite) definitely fits here. THANK YOU Yuko for sending the lovely photos!
Meanwhile in Paris, M. wants me to know that there are stacks and stacks of Macaron... Books waiting at FNAC to be gobbled up. YUM! I admit to buying this book a few trips back - it looked so delicious. Unfortunately my french cooking skills are not yet up to snuff...ahem The charming foot belongs to M. by the way. Well here is the REAL THING we all dream about. And maybe it's a good thing to just dream - so many calories as my sister reminds me... BONNE JOURNEE