I never thought the day would come when Starbucks would be featured at PB...
But miracles happen. I only found out about these Starbuck macaronslast weekend! Approximately 3,500 Starbucks stores carry these little macs available just for the holiday season. 12 mini macarons for all of $9.95 ($.83 per mac -not a bad price at all) The size is correct - 1 1/4" across. The texture is very smooth not horridly bumpy unlike most US attempts at the French macaron. The flavors are traditional: coffee, pistachio, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, lemon. The mouth feel is pleasently chewy. The box is your standard egg crate affair - not really a bad idea. At least the macs don't get mangled intransit. *The big drawback is TOO MUCH SUGAR! Come on guys. You came so close to giving us the real thing! Starbuck's macarons hale from Château Blanc in Marcq-en-Baroeul near Lille,a good 224 killometers or 2 1/2 hours from rue Bonaparte Paris 75006, home of Pierre HermeandLaduree, so these are not your true Parisien macaron by a long shot. Still I give Starbucks E for effort, though I don't see one word about the macarons on their website. Test marketing 101? Here's a whole bunch of information you will never see on a Laduree or Pierre Herme box ever. Who knew that 4 little macs equal only 157 calories and have 3g of protein? At 39 calories each is it any wonder French girls are thin?